Welcome to the world, wee one
If you speak to many parents they will tell you how amazing, how joyous, how mind-blowing, even how miraculous, the arrival of a new born is to them. Life will not be the same again. You look into the eyes of a baby, hold the small clutching fingers, hear the power of tiny lungs, and […]
What does the term “interfaith” mean to me?
I first came across the term “interfaith” decades ago when I was a teacher of religious and moral education. In those days the word tended to refer to the different kinds of dialogue and co-operation that existed between the various religions within the UK. My feeling is that this is still the most commonly understood […]
What does it mean to have “a spiritual view of life?”
What does it mean to have a “spiritual view of life”? Whilst there are various ways of understanding spirituality one starting point might be to consider the phrase, “there is more to life than meets the eye”. Spirituality points to something more than simply our physical or material life. And for many people being spiritual […]

© Ian Bonner-Evans

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