New Year – a time for reflection
I’ve never been much good at keeping New Year’s resolutions, the only one that I can remember keeping is when I gave up smoking and that was well over thirty years ago! That might explain why I don’t make any resolutions any longer, although I do spend some time at the end of December reflecting […]
The importance of symbolism
I’ve just come back from being walked by our border collie! It’s a typical winter afternoon outside: cold, dreich and dark. However my walk was made more bearable by the bright Christmas displays in our High Street as well as in the gardens and front rooms of many households. This is the time of year […]
At a Wedding Fair
Have you ever been to a wedding fair? I hadn’t until recently, but I’ve attended two in the past month, one in Polmont and another in Edinburgh. I’m glad I did because I gained quite a lot from the experience. I knew what to expect to a certain extent – businesses hiring stalls to advertise […]

© Ian Bonner-Evans

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