The Power of Love
It is often said that it is love that makes the world go round. But what exactly do we mean by “love”? This word is used in so many different ways in the English language, and we often assume that we all know what it means when in fact it can mean different things to […]
“Adieu” or “au revoir”?
I’ve never been any good at learning foreign languages, but what I can do is use certain words from other languages or dialects in my everyday speech. My main language is English but I will sometimes use Welsh words which I think are particularly expressive or where there is no equivalent word in English. “Cwtch” […]
“I now pronounce you ….”
I recently officiated at the wedding of a lovely young couple. The whole day was a truly wonderful celebration of love and commitment, with plenty of joy, fun and laughter and expressions of hope for the future. It was a real privilege to share in what will surely be one of the most significant days […]

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