New Year – a time for reflection

I’ve never been much good at keeping New Year’s resolutions, the only one that I can remember keeping is when I gave up smoking and that was well over thirty years ago! That might explain why I don’t make any resolutions any longer, although I do spend some time at the end of December reflecting on the year gone by and on the year to come. This has been especially true this year.

Christmas and New Year was very different this year. On a positive note, I hadn’t expected that a number of couples would approach me during this period to ask if I would conduct their weddings in 2024! I thought that ordinary life stopped for most people as they settled down to celebrate the festive season, but clearly many couples have been spending some of this time thinking ahead. It is truly joyful to be alongside couples as they plan their special day and talk a little about their hopes for the future. On a much sadder note however, I was also involved in planning a memorial service for a young man who died unexpectedly in early December leaving a devastated husband, family and friends to grieve over the holiday period. I conducted the memorial service recently and the feelings of deep love – and overwhelming grief – left a profound impression on me. And as I write this, I am aware of two couples who are expecting to welcome a baby into the world over the next three months - blessings to look forward to.

So where do these reflections take me? We often seem completely absorbed in our lives with the challenges and opportunities of daily living. Work, paying the bills, domestic chores, holidays, health, celebrations, relationships … the list is endless. And then something significant breaks into that rhythm and reminds us of the inescapable realities of human life. Birth, life, death, birth, life, death. As a minister and celebrant I feel honoured to witness and participate in many of the occasions we have to mark these key life moments; and I’m also deeply aware of the emotional consequences arising from these events. Like most people I suppose, I will seek comfort (and distraction!) in daily living until Life reminds me – and us – not to become too distracted, too comfortable, too absorbed in everyday matters; our attention seems to be needed elsewhere …. It's as if God, Life, the Universe, Ultimate Love - whatever term you wish to use - is reminding me through these profound moments not to lose sight of what ultimately matters.

January 2024



© Ian Bonner-Evans

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